How long does it take for my order to get shipped?
When you place an order with us, we will do our best to process the shipment as soon as possible. Besides public holidays, you can expect your items to be dispatched within 5 business days.
How can I cancel my order?
If you wish to make a cancellation, please contact our team at info@bronxdoc.org before you receive a notification of item dispatch.
What payment methods do you accept?
Currently, we only accept PayPal as a method of payment. If this is not an option for you, please contact info@bronxdoc.org so that we can do our best to accommodate your request.
How are delivery charges calculated?
Delivery costs depend on both weight and destination. For packages weighing up to 0.8lbs, they will be shipped via First-Class Mail at the price of $4.99. For packages up to 5lbs, they will be shipped via Priority Mail at the cost of $8.99. Please note that for shipping posters, we package them in heavy duty tubes to prevent any potential damage during traveling.
Do you ship internationally?
Yes, we are able to ship our items to international destinations as well. The shipping cost will be reflected upon your final checkout price.